I don't understand the connection of your remarks about errors and error message to the problem at hand. I get no errors with this:
Clear[foo, sol, x, w, psi];
ClearSystemCache["Numeric"]; (* Why? IDK. Seems to fix a bug when re-run. *)
nstep = 0; neval = 0; (* steps, PDE evaluations *)
PrintTemporary@Dynamic@{Clock@Infinity, foo, nstep, neval}; (* monitors progress *)
xmax = 10;
wmax = 10;
xmin = 10^-20;
psiinit[w_, x_] := (Exp[-w^2]/Sqrt[\[Pi]] - w*Erfc[w])*x;
sol = NDSolve[{2*x*D[psi[w, x], x] ==
D[psi[w, x], {w, 2}] + 2*w*D[psi[w, x], w] - (x*psi[w, x])^2,
psi[w, xmin] == psiinit[w, xmin],
Derivative[1, 0][psi][0, x] == -x, psi[wmax, x] == 0},
psi, {w, 0, wmax}, {x, xmin, xmax},
PrecisionGoal -> 20, AccuracyGoal -> 10,
WorkingPrecision -> 40,
StepMonitor :> (++nstep; foo = x),
EvaluationMonitor :> (++neval),
Method -> {"MethodOfLines",
"SpatialDiscretization" -> {"TensorProductGrid",
"MaxStepSize" -> 1/5000, "DifferenceOrder" -> 4}}]
Takes a few seconds to set up the first step. Takes several minutes to get to x > xmin
. I have only 32GB RAM and NDSolve[]
uses around 38.5GB, so much of the slowness is probably due to swapping.
Have you tried "Pseudospectral"?:
Method -> {"MethodOfLines",
"SpatialDiscretization" -> {
(*"MinPoints" -> 65,(* or higher *)*)
"DifferenceOrder" -> "Pseudospectral"}}
A trial run shows that psi
approaches zero very rapidly, going below
$10^{-20}$. To get 20 digits of precision, the AccuracyGoal
needs to be more than the maximum of
$20-\log_{10} | \psi |$ throughout the solution domain. I haven't been able to determine the maximum. To achieve, say, AccuracyGoal -> 60
, I need WorkingPrecision
to be around 400
or more, or some internal numerical glitch happens and I get an error like the one you described (but did not provide code for!). It also takes a long time. Note: Compilers do not give run-time errors, which is what this is. I used to get an uncaught exception and a "core dump" that could be used with a debugger, if the program had been compiled with debugger metadata. Mathematica gives you a stack trace, but only of user-level expressions. I don't get to trace the numerical glitch, which probably occurs in an untraceable library anyway. It would be nice if it indicated the "non-numerical value" it encountered, instead of just giving the time. It would be a good hint to what went wrong.