Hello All I am doing an analytical calculation with a bit longer expression which is complex in nature.
Mp =-(1/((mb + mc) (mB + mDs) q))
Sqrt[1 - ml^2/
q^2] (-2 A0 E^(-I \[Chi]) (mB + mDs) (-((-1 + gA) (mb + mc) ml) +
gP q^2) Sqrt[\[Lambda]Ds] +
16 E^(-I \[Chi])
mB (mb +
mc) mDs (A12 (-1 + gA) (mB + mDs) ml + (gT - gT5) q^2 T23) Cos[
thl] + Sqrt[2]
E^(-2 I \[Chi]) (mb + mc) q (-A1 (-1 + gA) (mB + mDs)^2 ml -
2 (gT - gT5) (mB + mDs) (mB^2 T2 - mDs^2 T2 +
T1 Sqrt[\[Lambda]Ds]) - (1 +
gV) ml V Sqrt[\[Lambda]Ds]) Sin[thl] +
Sqrt[2] (mb + mc) q (-A1 (-1 + gA) (mB + mDs)^2 ml -
2 (gT - gT5) (mB + mDs) (mB^2 T2 - mDs^2 T2 -
T1 Sqrt[\[Lambda]Ds]) + (1 +
gV) ml V Sqrt[\[Lambda]Ds]) Sin[thl])
Then I take the complex conjugate of Mp as
CMp = Conjugate[Mp] // FullSimplify
I want to find the absolute value of the expression Mp. I multiply conjugate of Mp with Mp as
Mp2 = CMp *Mp
which should give me a real expression but it does not give me a real answer and iotas and exponentials are still there. I have tried ComplexExpand and FullSimplify but nothing seems to work properly. If I use ComplexExpand it gives me thousands of terms which ultimately cannot be simplified which is useless expression. What is wrong with my approach and how to correct it? Thank you.