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Complex conjugation and mod of a complex expression

Posted 11 months ago

Hello All I am doing an analytical calculation with a bit longer expression which is complex in nature.

Mp =-(1/((mb + mc) (mB + mDs) q))
 Sqrt[1 - ml^2/
   q^2] (-2 A0 E^(-I \[Chi]) (mB + mDs) (-((-1 + gA) (mb + mc) ml) + 
       gP q^2) Sqrt[\[Lambda]Ds] + 
    16 E^(-I \[Chi])
      mB (mb + 
       mc) mDs (A12 (-1 + gA) (mB + mDs) ml + (gT - gT5) q^2 T23) Cos[
      thl] + Sqrt[2]
      E^(-2 I \[Chi]) (mb + mc) q (-A1 (-1 + gA) (mB + mDs)^2 ml - 
       2 (gT - gT5) (mB + mDs) (mB^2 T2 - mDs^2 T2 + 
          T1 Sqrt[\[Lambda]Ds]) - (1 + 
          gV) ml V Sqrt[\[Lambda]Ds]) Sin[thl] + 
    Sqrt[2] (mb + mc) q (-A1 (-1 + gA) (mB + mDs)^2 ml - 
       2 (gT - gT5) (mB + mDs) (mB^2 T2 - mDs^2 T2 - 
          T1 Sqrt[\[Lambda]Ds]) + (1 + 
          gV) ml V Sqrt[\[Lambda]Ds]) Sin[thl])

Then I take the complex conjugate of Mp as

CMp = Conjugate[Mp] // FullSimplify

I want to find the absolute value of the expression Mp. I multiply conjugate of Mp with Mp as

Mp2 = CMp *Mp

which should give me a real expression but it does not give me a real answer and iotas and exponentials are still there. I have tried ComplexExpand and FullSimplify but nothing seems to work properly. If I use ComplexExpand it gives me thousands of terms which ultimately cannot be simplified which is useless expression. What is wrong with my approach and how to correct it? Thank you.

POSTED BY: Zohaib Aarfi
3 Replies

I have to guess what your question is. I suppose you should learn about ComplexExpand, which is tricky, because it does not use the $Assumptions. A workaround could be this:

FullSimplify[ComplexExpand[ReIm[CMp]]] . {1, I}

Maybe there is a more elegant way, I am curious.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni

Sorry, I see your text only now. Here is a solution:

{reMp, imMp} = Simplify[ComplexExpand[ReIm[Mp]]]
absMp = Sqrt[reMp^2 + imMp^2]

ReIm separates the two parts, so that Simplify does cannot remix them again.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 11 months ago

It did work. Thanks a lot.

POSTED BY: Zohaib Aarfi
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