It has been a good week. My comments are below:
Comments on Artisanal Calculus Study Group
This week has been a good week. I signed up for this study group because I was hoping to see beautiful patterns that aren't normal covered in textbooks, I was not disappointed!
Thanks to John McNally, Dan McDonald, Jack Heimrath, Jordan Hasler, Ed Pegg, Shenghui Yang, Paco Jain for all of your hard work.
The best part of everything I saw this week sparked ideas of things to explore, programs to write. That's what math is all about!
Memories of Don Cohen, The Mathman
Anything that reminds me of Don Cohen (1930-2015), The Mathman (, brings me joy. That happened today during Ed Pegg's session when he talked about minimal surfaces. A Steiner tree is the first problem Don handed to me when my husband and I first met him in Champaign, IL! Of course, Don made me solve them by hand and I enjoyed it :-D. These problems will always spark the memory of the day Don and I first met.
Don also had students work with bubbles as part of the math program. These types of problems can be grasped by young people.

Infinite Series
When Shenghui Yang got to this part of his talk,:

...this part of Don's book flashed in my brain:

There are so many more connections to be made. My brain is happy! Thank you all!