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Interpretation function not working properly with Graphics

Posted 2 months ago

The Interpretation function does not seem to be working properly with Graphics on my computer (MacOS 14.2.1, Mathematica Instead of returning what it should be interpreted as, it returns what it is only supposed to display. Am I misunderstanding something? Does anyone has the same issue?

What it is supposed to do (from the documentation): what it is supposed to do

What it actually does: what it actually does

POSTED BY: Paul Cousin
2 Replies
Posted 2 months ago

Well, that's it! Thank you so much!

POSTED BY: Paul Cousin
Posted 2 months ago

First, this is a very edge case and a very weird example to put into the documentation. I don't know why you'd ever want to do this copy-paste exercise. But anyway, I suspect that you've selected and copied the "wrong" thing. If you single-click directly on the disk you'll see this:

enter image description here

That indicates that you've selected the disk graphic, not the whole output. If instead you double-click away from the disk but in the output cell, you'll see this:

enter image description here

That indicates that you've selected the actual interpretation "value", and copy-pasting that will result in the expected behavior.

POSTED BY: Eric Rimbey
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