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Configuring Python for ExternalEvaluate

Posted 4 months ago

I am following this guide to try to get Python working in ExternalEvaluate. (on Windows 11, Mathematica 13.0). So far, I have successfully installed Python (Step 1), and the Python package manager (Step 2), and the “pyzmq” package for Python (Step 3).

But I get a "Missing Dependencies" error on Step 4: enter image description here From this post, I learned that this may be because the Python library path may not be in Mathematica's default Path. So I tried using SetEnvironment, to no avail: enter image description here I then use RegisterExternalEvaluator, but still get MissingDependencies: enter image description here And FindExternalEvaluators["Python"] still shows MissingDependencies. Not sure what else to try.

POSTED BY: Bryan Lettner
2 Replies
Posted 4 months ago
Posted 4 months ago

So I am.

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