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Solving nonlinear equation with integrals and beta functions

Posted 4 months ago

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Hello! I am new to Mathematica. Does anybody here know how to solve (for alpha) this equation? I find it very difficult. I have tried to use NSolve[ ] and Solve[ ]. But it does not work.

6 Replies

Here is a way:

Clear[alpha, f];
f[alpha_] =
 (1 - 4  Integrate[t^(1 - 1/alpha) (1 - t)^(1/alpha),
      {t, 0, 1/2}, Assumptions -> alpha > 1]/
     Integrate[t^(-1/alpha) (1 - t)^(1/alpha),
      {t, 0, 1/2}, Assumptions -> alpha > 1])
Plot[f[alpha], {alpha, 1, 4}, GridLines -> {None, {.2455}}]
Solve[f[alpha] == .2455 && 2 < alpha < 3, alpha]
POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 4 months ago

Try minimizing the square of the difference.

alpha=.;t=.; (* remove any cached previous values *)
    ((1-4 NIntegrate[t^(1-1/alpha)(1-t)^(1/alpha),{t,0,1/2}]/

which returns



ListPlot[Table[{alpha,((1-4 NIntegrate[t^(1-1/alpha)(1-t)^(1/alpha),{t,0,1/2}]/

which will give you an idea how this behaves.

The reason for the Quiet is that it complains about complex numbers for some of your powers. Usually I don't like hiding warning messages when doing things like this, but this can at least show you a result.

Remember there are always at least six different ways of doing anything in Mathematica.

POSTED BY: Bill Nelson
Posted 4 months ago

New users may not understand why the method they tried to use to solve a problem did not work. And they are sometimes surprised when they are given several completely different ways of solving the problem. Sometimes there may be as many as ten completely different ways of solving a problem. Some of those may be very difficult to understand.

POSTED BY: Bill Nelson

Thank you! You have helped me a lot. BTW, what do you mean by " there are always at least six different ways of doing anything in Mathematica." ?

So, for the problem that I have asked, what are other method that you know that will work? I am curious BTW.

Posted 4 months ago





There should be ways to get NSolve and Solve to do this for you.

And there will be even more ways of doing this.

POSTED BY: Bill Nelson
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