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Plot the solution of a differential equation

Posted 9 months ago

Consider: $$\frac{1}{(1-e)^2 w}=v-z$$ where $v=f(e,i,L,W,a,n)$, $z=g(e,i,L,W,a,w,n)$, and $L = h(e,w,a,b)$ are given functions.

From the above equation, $e$ can be derived as a function of $w$ along with the other parameters, i.e., $e=e(w;\dots)$. Using the latter, we can consider the following differential equation: $$\frac{\partial e}{\partial w}=\frac{e}{w}$$ I would like find $e$ and $w$ that satisfies the above differential equation. Obviously, both $e$ and $w$ will come out as a function of $a$ along with the other parameters.

Finally, I would like to create four separate plots for $e$, $w$, $\frac{e}{w}$, and $\frac{ae}{w}$ each of them against $a$ with the parameter values of $n=1$, $W=60$, $i=0.1$, and $b=0.6$.

By closely referring to Michael E2's answer to this post, I tried to come up with the following code:

n = 1; W = 60;
L = (w/(b (a e)^b))^(1/(b - 1));
v = -(((-1 + e - i) (-i + (-1 + e + e i) L n) (1/((-1 + e) (-1 + e - i) w) + w/(-1 + e - i) + ((-1 + e) (1 - e L n) (-(1 + i)^2 (-1 + (1 + i)^((1 - e L n)/(L n - e L n)))^2 + a^2 i^2 (-1 + (1 + i)^(1 + 1/(L n - e L n)))^2 W^2))/(a i (1 + i) (1 - e + i) (1 - (1 + i)^((1 - e L n)/(L n - e L n))) (1 - (1 + i)^(1 + 1/(L n - e L n))) (i - (-1 + e + e i) L n) W)))/(i (1 + i + L n + e (-1 + (-2 + e - i) L n))));
z = -((a i (1 + i)^((1 + e)/(1 - e)) (-1 + (1 + i)^((1 - e L n)/(L n - e L n))) (-1 + (1 + i)^(1 + 1/(L n - e L n))) L n W + a (-1 + e) i (1 + i)^((1 + e)/(1 - e)) (-1 + (1 + i)^((1 - e L n)/(L n - e L n))) (-1 + (1 + i)^(1 + 1/(L n - e L n))) L n w^2 W + (-1 + e - i) (1 + i)^(-((2 e)/(-1 + e))) (-1 + e L n) w (1 + 2 i + i^2 - a^2 i^2 W^2 - 2 (1 + i)^(1 + 1/(L n - e L n)) ((1 + i)^(2 + 1/(-1 + e)) - a^2 i^2 W^2) + (1 + i)^(2 + 2/(L n - e L n)) ((1 + i)^((2 e)/(-1 + e)) -a^2 i^2 W^2)))/(a i^2 (1 + i) ((1 + i)^(e/(1 - e)) - (1 + i)^(1/(L n - e L n))) ((1 + i)^(e/(1 - e)) - (1 + i)^((1 + L n)/(L n - e L n))) (1 + i + L n + e (-1 + (-2 + e - i) L n)) w W));

myEQ = 1/((1 - e)^2 w) == v - z;

Block[{n = 1, W = 60, i = 1/10, b = 6/10, a = 1/2}, {#, Dt[#, w]} &@myEQ] /. {e -> e[w]} /. {e'[w] -> e[w]/w} /. {e[w] -> e} // Simplify; 
icEQ = % /. Equal -> Subtract // Simplify;
icSOL = NSolve[icEQ == 0 && 0 < e < 1 && 0 < w < 2, {e, w}]

NDSolveValue[{ode = Solve[Block[{n = 1, W = 60, i = 1/10, b = 6/10}, D[{myEQ /. Equal -> Subtract, {e, w} . D[myEQ /. Equal -> Subtract, {{e, w}}]} /. {w -> w[a], e -> e[a]}, a] == 0], {e'[a], w'[a]}] /. Rule -> Equal, e[1/2] == (e /. First@icSOL), w[1/2] == (w /. First@icSOL)}, {e, w}, {a, $MachineEpsilon, 1}]

ListLinePlot[{e\[FivePointedStar], w\[FivePointedStar]}, PlotLegends -> Block[{e\[FivePointedStar], w\[FivePointedStar]}, HoldForm /@ {e\[FivePointedStar], w\[FivePointedStar]}], PlotRange -> All]

The code runs forever. Also, I failed to come up with a code that creates the four separate plots.

7 Replies
Posted 9 months ago

From the following plot

myTwoEQs = Block[{n = 1, W = 60, i = 1/10, b = 6/10, a = 1/2},
      {#, Dt[#, w]} &@myEQ] /.
      {e -> e[w]} /. {e'[w] -> e[w]/w} /. {e[w] -> e};
ContourPlot[myTwoEQs, {e, 0, 1}, {w, 0, 2}, PlotPoints -> 200, 
 ContourStyle -> {Directive[Blue, Thickness[.01], Opacity[.2]], 
   Directive[Darker@Red, Thin]}]

it would seem that the system of the two equations has infinitely many solutions, along a whole line (near the left side of the plot). If this is correct, then the command

icEQ = myTwoEQs /. Equal -> Subtract;
icSOL = NSolve[icEQ == 0 && 0 < e < 1 && 0 < w < 2, {e, w}]

cannot possibly work. I would rather give a fixed value for w, for example w==1.

A closer look suggests that the situation is complicated:

  myTwoEQs[[1]] /. Equal -> Subtract /. w -> 1], {e, .0191, .0192}, 
 PlotRange -> 10 {-1, 1}]
POSTED BY: Updating Name
Posted 9 months ago

Thanks for the comment. In fact, the code is exactly the same as the code suggested in Michael E2's answer to the linked post except for the equation in myEQ. And that code worked just fine. This is just for your information. In any case, I was trying to following your comments but failed. May I ask if you could provide a full code to work? I would really appreciate that. Thank you so much for your help.


Here is the full code

n = 1; W = 60; i = 1/10; b = 6/10; a = 1/2;
L = (w/(b  (a  e)^b))^(1/(b - 1));
v = -(((-1 + e - 
         i)  (-i + (-1 + e + 
            e  i)  L  n)  (1/((-1 + e)  (-1 + e - i)  w) + 
         w/(-1 + e - 
            i) + ((-1 + e)  (1 - 
              e  L  n)  (-(1 + 
                   i)^2  (-1 + (1 + 
                    i)^((1 - e  L  n)/(L  n - e  L  n)))^2 + 
              a^2  i^2  (-1 + (1 + i)^(1 + 
                    1/(L  n - e  L  n)))^2  W^2))/(a  i  (1 + i)  (1 -
               e + i)  (1 - (1 + 
                 i)^((1 - e  L  n)/(L  n - e  L  n)))  (1 - (1 + 
                 i)^(1 + 1/(L  n - e  L  n)))  (i - (-1 + e + 
                 e  i)  L  n)  W)))/(i  (1 + i + L  n + 
         e  (-1 + (-2 + e - i)  L  n))));
z = -((a  i  (1 + 
           i)^((1 + e)/(1 - e))  (-1 + (1 + 
             i)^((1 - e  L  n)/(L  n - e  L  n)))  (-1 + (1 + i)^(1 + 
             1/(L  n - e  L  n)))  L  n  W + 
       a  (-1 + 
          e)  i  (1 + 
           i)^((1 + e)/(1 - e))  (-1 + (1 + 
             i)^((1 - e  L  n)/(L  n - e  L  n)))  (-1 + (1 + i)^(1 + 
             1/(L  n - e  L  n)))  L  n  w^2  W + (-1 + e - 
          i)  (1 + i)^(-((2  e)/(-1 + e)))  (-1 + e  L  n)  w  (1 + 
          2  i + i^2 - a^2  i^2  W^2 - 
          2  (1 + i)^(1 + 
              1/(L  n - e  L  n))  ((1 + i)^(2 + 1/(-1 + e)) - 
             a^2  i^2  W^2) + (1 + i)^(2 + 
              2/(L  n - e  L  n))  ((1 + i)^((2  e)/(-1 + e)) - 
             a^2  i^2  W^2)))/(a  i^2  (1 + 
         i)  ((1 + i)^(e/(1 - e)) - (1 + 
            i)^(1/(L  n - e  L  n)))  ((1 + i)^(e/(1 - e)) - (1 + 
            i)^((1 + L  n)/(L  n - e  L  n)))  (1 + i + L  n + 
         e  (-1 + (-2 + e - i)  L  n))  w  W));
toBeZero = 1/((1 - e)^2  w) - v + z // Simplify;
Plot[Evaluate[toBeZero /. w -> 1], {e, 0, 1}]
Plot[Evaluate[toBeZero /. w -> 1], {e, .0191, .01915}, PlotRange -> 1]

Your function is very wiggly. It seems a very hard problem. What makes you think that there is a solution at all?

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 9 months ago

Thanks! But another equation of the system is missing if you code which is: $\frac{\partial e}{\partial w}=\frac{e}{w}$. By the way, the $e$ function here, $e=e(w)$, is obtained from the first equation, $\frac{1}{(1-e)^2 w}=v-z$.


Your differential equation is easily solved, and it means that e(w)=c*w for some constant c. You are looking for solutions of the very complicated nonlinear equation toBeZero ==0 that are straight lines through the origin. Are you sure that there is such a straight line? I tried for a while, and could not find it.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni

On a quick run, it seems to me that those Simplify take forever, on expressions half a Megabyte long.


icSOL = NSolve[icEQ == 0 && 0 < e < 1 && 0 < w < 2, {e, w}]

is unlikely to work, because the equations icEQ contain a third parameter beta.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 9 months ago

Thanks for catching it. beta was a typo. I corrected it to b. Can you please help what I can do then? Thank!

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