From the following plot
myTwoEQs = Block[{n = 1, W = 60, i = 1/10, b = 6/10, a = 1/2},
{#, Dt[#, w]} &@myEQ] /.
{e -> e[w]} /. {e'[w] -> e[w]/w} /. {e[w] -> e};
ContourPlot[myTwoEQs, {e, 0, 1}, {w, 0, 2}, PlotPoints -> 200,
ContourStyle -> {Directive[Blue, Thickness[.01], Opacity[.2]],
Directive[Darker@Red, Thin]}]
it would seem that the system of the two equations has infinitely many solutions, along a whole line (near the left side of the plot). If this is correct, then the command
icEQ = myTwoEQs /. Equal -> Subtract;
icSOL = NSolve[icEQ == 0 && 0 < e < 1 && 0 < w < 2, {e, w}]
cannot possibly work. I would rather give a fixed value for w
, for example w==1
A closer look suggests that the situation is complicated:
myTwoEQs[[1]] /. Equal -> Subtract /. w -> 1], {e, .0191, .0192},
PlotRange -> 10 {-1, 1}]