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Problem with the acceleration of a system

Posted 8 months ago

Hi everyone. As I said in the previous discussion, I've started using Mathematica recently. I was assigned to solve a problem related to a simulation of a 2 DOF-quarter car model. Written the equations of motion (which corresponds to a system of coupled differential equations), I was able to solve for the position of the masses and then, by defining the functions that correspond to the solution of velocity and acceleration of the two bodies, I plotted the graphs for each solution and I guess that the problems responds with values of accelerations that are a little big (about 1000m/s^2). I'd like to ask your thoughts about it and eventually how can I solve the anomaly.

Here I'll write the code that I finalized for such solution, adding an image too, just to avoid ambiguity. In the last lines I'll talk about the context and Hyothesis that I am required to consider just to solve the problem.

m1 = 50; (*kg*)
m2 = 8; (*kg*)
k1 = 4000; (*N/m*)
k2 = 180000; (*N/m*)
c = 150; (*Ns/m*)
v = 2.78; (*m/s*)
z = 2.71828;
H0 = 0.09; (*m*)
L0 = 0.27; (*m*)

h[t_] := 
 Piecewise[{{0, t <= 1}, {z*H0*Exp[-1/(1 - (2*v*(t - 1)/L0 - 1)^2)], 
    1 < t < 1 + L0/v}, {0, t >= 1 + L0/v}}]

(*Intervallo di tempo per la simulazione*)
tspan = {t, 0, 4.5};

sol = NDSolve[{m1 x''[t] + c (x'[t] - y'[t]) + k1 (x[t] - y[t]) == 0, 
    m2 y''[t] + c (y'[t] - x'[t]) + k1 (y[t] - x[t]) + 
      k2 (y[t] - h[t]) == 0, x[0] == 0, x'[0] == 0, y[0] == 0, 
    y'[0] == 0} // Simplify`PWToUnitStep, {x, y}, {t, 0, 4.5}]

xsol = x /. sol[[1]];
ysol = y /. sol[[1]];

vel1[t_] := Derivative[1][xsol][t]
vel2[t_] := Derivative[1][ysol][t]

acc1[t_] := Derivative[2][xsol][t]
acc2[t_] := Derivative[2][ysol][t]

Plot[Evaluate[{x[t], y[t]} /. sol], {t, 0, 4.5}, 
 PlotLabels -> {"x1(t)", "x2(t)"}, 
 AxesLabel -> {"time, s", "displacement, m"}, 
 PlotRange -> {Automatic, {-0.1, 0.15}}]

Plot[Evaluate[{vel1[t], vel2[t]}], {t, 0, 4.5}, 
 PlotLabels -> {"velocity of x1(t)", "velocity of x2(t)"}, 
 AxesLabel -> {"time, s", "velocity, m/s"}, 
 PlotRange -> {Automatic, {-6, 6}}]

Plot[Evaluate[{acc1[t], acc2[t]}], {t, 0, 4.5}, 
 PlotLabels -> {"acceleration of x1(t)", "acceleration of x2(t)"}, 
 AxesLabel -> {"time, s", "acceleration, m/s^2"}, 
 PlotRange -> {Automatic, {-1000, 1000}}]

enter image description hereMATHEMATIC>

enter image description here

As you can see the last graphics shows values extremely high of accelerations and I am afraid to have inserted something incorrectly in the code.

For the context and the hypothesis of the problem, as I have previously anticipated it is about the simulation o fa quarter car model. The system is simplified as follows in the image below enter image description here

The Velocity of the system in the direction of motion is costant and so I can easily express the road profile in terms of time (and not space, as presented in the image below): enter image description here

Furthermore the position x1(t) and x2(t) are calculated by the position of equilibrium of the respective mass. In conclusion the gravity force is not necessary.

I hope the context of the problem is clear. Can anyone explain me the error in the acceleration graphic?

POSTED BY: Sergio Vargas
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