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What happened to the Wolfram Demonstrations Project?

Posted 3 months ago

The Demonstrations Project,, for many years used to expand weekly with several new demos. As well as updates of previously published demos. But since beginning of this year nothing new or updated can be seen.

The websites links for submitting new demos just returns a “Service Temporarily Unavailable” message.

One wonders: Is the Wolfram Demonstrations Project still alive?

POSTED BY: Hans Milton
5 Replies

Could the migration also lead to problems with searching? I wanted to share my demonstration today, but searching for the names in its title did not show it. I was only able to share it because my browser remembered the link.

POSTED BY: Ondrej Draganov
Posted 1 month ago

I have noted that there has been changes to the Demonstrations Project website. The dead links for submitting demos are gone, now replaced with a download of a template authoring notebook. The Latest section seems to be alive.

But I can see no “How To” instructions on the submission process.

POSTED BY: Hans Milton

I am having similar problems. Not only can I not update previously submitted demonstrations, or submit new ones, I can no longer download the code from other authors' demonstrations ("Service unavailable"). I was told at one point that the whole Demonstrations submittal process was being repaired/updated due to some security issues. What is the status? Any estimate of completion time?

POSTED BY: Michael Ulrey
Posted 3 months ago

If you have a Demonstration ready, you can send it to me at edp or demonstrations at, and in a few weeks or so when the new interface is ready, I'll get them published.

POSTED BY: Updating Name

It’s in a process of migration into the Wolfram Repositories family. I’ll ask around about issues with submitting Demonstrations.

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau
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