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Unexpected result computing covariance of complex data matrices?

Posted 3 months ago

It seems to me that Mathematica when computing the (sample) covariance for a complex valued data matrix computes it the wrong way!
If we have something like

Data = {{1.2 + 0.5 I, 2.6 - 3.1 I}, {5.3 - 0.5 I,1.1 + 5.6 I}, {3.5 + 3.5 I, 1.6 - 3.1 I}, {2.5 + 3.5 I, 4.6 - 3.1 I}, {4.3 - 0.5 I, 2.1 + 5.6 I}, {3.5 + 3.5 I, 4.6 - 3.1 I}, {4.3 - 0.5 I, 2.1 + 5.6 I}, {1.5 + 3.5 I, 3.6 - 3.1 I}, {2.3 - 0.5 I, 1.1 + 5.6 I}, {1.5 + 3.5 I, 2.6 - 3.1 I}, {5.3 - 0.5 I, 3.1 + 5.6 I}, {2.3 - 0.5 I, 3.1 + 5.6 I}};

Then the command


gives as output the matrix

{{6.13568 + 0. I, -8.76136 - 2.69864 I}, {-8.76136 + 2.69864 I,   22.0442 + 0. I}}

when it should really give

{{6.13568 + 0. I, -8.76136 + 2.69864 I}, {-8.76136 - 2.69864 I,   22.0442 + 0. I}}

which is the output of either of the commands

n = Dimensions[Data][[1]];
1/(n - 1)*Transpose[Conjugate[Data]].(IdentityMatrix[n] - 1/n*ConstantArray[1, {12, 12}]).Data


1/(n - 1)*Transpose[Conjugate[(IdentityMatrix[n] - 1/n*ConstantArray[1, {12, 12}]).Data]].IdentityMatrix[n] - 1/n*ConstantArray[1, {12, 12}]).Data

What Mathematica gives is the output of

1/(n - 1)*Transpose[Data].(IdentityMatrix[n] - 1/n*ConstantArray[1, {12, 12}]).Conjugate[Data]

which is wrong. It rather seems that Mathematica is computing the Covariance matrix of the conjugate of Data. Can someone check what is really going on?

POSTED BY: Carlos Coelho
2 Replies
Posted 3 months ago

Using what I think are the usual definitions of sample covariance for complex numbers, I get the same results as Mathematica:

data = {{1.2 + 0.5  I, 2.6 - 3.1  I}, {5.3 - 0.5  I, 1.1 + 5.6  I}, {3.5 + 3.5  I, 1.6 - 3.1  I}, 
            {2.5 + 3.5  I, 4.6 - 3.1  I}, {4.3 - 0.5  I, 2.1 + 5.6  I}, {3.5 + 3.5  I, 4.6 - 3.1  I}, 
            {4.3 - 0.5  I, 2.1 + 5.6  I}, {1.5 + 3.5  I, 3.6 - 3.1  I}, {2.3 - 0.5  I, 1.1 + 5.6  I}, 
            {1.5 + 3.5  I, 2.6 - 3.1  I}, {5.3 - 0.5  I, 3.1 + 5.6  I}, {2.3 - 0.5  I, 3.1 + 5.6  I}};

n = Length[data];
(* \[CapitalSigma][[1,2]] *)
(n/(n - 1)) Mean[(data[[All, 1]] - Mean[data[[All, 1]]]) Conjugate[data[[All, 2]] - Mean[data[[All, 2]]]]]
(* -8.76136 - 2.69864 I *)

(* \[CapitalSigma][2,1] *)
(n/(n - 1)) Mean[(data[[All, 2]] - Mean[data[[All, 2]]]) Conjugate[data[[All, 1]] - Mean[data[[All, 1]]]]]
(* -8.76136 + 2.69864 I *)

(* \[CapitalSigma][1,1] *)
(n/(n - 1)) Mean[(data[[All, 1]] - Mean[data[[All, 1]]]) Conjugate[data[[All, 1]] - Mean[data[[All, 1]]]]]
(* 6.13568 + 0. I *)

(* \[CapitalSigma][2,2] *)
(n/(n - 1)) Mean[(data[[All, 2]] - Mean[data[[All, 2]]]) Conjugate[data[[All, 2]] - Mean[data[[All, 2]]]]]
(* 22.0442 + 0. I *)
POSTED BY: Jim Baldwin
Posted 3 months ago

Do you have a reference for the calculation formula you use? (In other words, not in terms of Mathematica code.)

POSTED BY: Jim Baldwin
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