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Implementing AR in Wolfram Language?

Posted 8 months ago

Hi everyone, I am Emmanuel Katto. I'm excited to explore the possibilities of augmented reality (AR) in the Wolfram Language and am looking for advice on how to get started. I want to know How can I use Wolfram AR to track objects in real-time and overlay 3D models or graphics on top of them?

Emmanuel Katto

POSTED BY: Emmanuel Katto
Posted 8 months ago

Generally the Wolfram language is designed for implementation on data that's 'static', so real-time analysis would be quite hard, at least purely in Wolfram. UnityLink is something designed to bridge that gap, but obviously it'll require knowledge of Unity itself, so it's definitely something to look into! I don't have much experience with AR development myself but Unity is very popular for AR, and UnityLink makes it great for communications between the Wolfram language and a Unity app, so you can run functions like ImageIdentify, or overlay graphics onto real-world images, like you seem to want to do.

Some resources you might want to check out:

And there are a few more if you just search up 'UnityLink Wolfram'. Hope this helps, and best of luck!

POSTED BY: Theo Vine
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