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Inconsistent Missing data in some financial data

Posted 27 days ago

While familiarizing myself with the financial data available in Mathematica (14) I've seen some strange behaviors. Are these known things I need to work around by using the features differently?

For example, I fetched Name and MarketCap for some example securities and got back no MarketCap for one of them.

In[83]:= FinancialData[{"NASDAQ:QCOM", "NASDAQ:LIN", 
  "NYSE:TMO"}, {"Name", "MarketCap"}]

Out[83]= {{"Qualcomm", 
  Quantity[2.1817769317626953`*^11, "USDollars"]}, {"Linde", 
  Missing["NotAvailable"]}, {"Thermo Fisher Scientific", 
  Quantity[2.102417259126953*^11, "USDollars"]}}

That seemed strange, so I checked the Properties of that stock with:

FinancialData["NASDAQ:LIN", "Properties"]

and MarketCap was in the list.

Then, I ran a different command to fetch a few properties of the Linde data:

In[89]:= FinancialData["NASDAQ:LIN", {"MIC", "Exchange", "Symbol", 
  "Name", "MarketCap", "SICCode", "Sector", "Website"}]

Out[89]= {"XNAS", "Nasdaq", "NASDAQ:LIN", "Linde", 
 Quantity[2.1170168927215576`*^11, "USDollars"], "2810", "Chemicals", 

And now MarketCap is filled in.

I'm not going to be able to use the financial data features of Mathematica unless I can rely on them being complete and correct and available.

Am I doing it wrong?

POSTED BY: Gregor Purdy

The calls to EntityValue that feed FinancialData would look like this,

  Entity["Financial", "NASDAQ:QCOM"],
  Entity["Financial", "NASDAQ:LIN"],
  Entity["Financial", "NYSE:TMO"]},
 {EntityProperty["Financial", "Name"],
  EntityProperty["Financial", "MarketCap"]}]

Still coming up Missing. The direct call into a single Entity does work.

Entity["Financial", "NASDAQ:LIN"]["MarketCap"]

This example creates a series of direct calls.

 #@EntityProperty["Financial", "MarketCap"] &,
  Entity["Financial", "NASDAQ:QCOM"],
  Entity["Financial", "NASDAQ:LIN"],
  Entity["Financial", "NYSE:TMO"]
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