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Inconsistent Missing data in some financial data

Posted 3 months ago

While familiarizing myself with the financial data available in Mathematica (14) I've seen some strange behaviors. Are these known things I need to work around by using the features differently?

For example, I fetched Name and MarketCap for some example securities and got back no MarketCap for one of them.

In[83]:= FinancialData[{"NASDAQ:QCOM", "NASDAQ:LIN", 
  "NYSE:TMO"}, {"Name", "MarketCap"}]

Out[83]= {{"Qualcomm", 
  Quantity[2.1817769317626953`*^11, "USDollars"]}, {"Linde", 
  Missing["NotAvailable"]}, {"Thermo Fisher Scientific", 
  Quantity[2.102417259126953*^11, "USDollars"]}}

That seemed strange, so I checked the Properties of that stock with:

FinancialData["NASDAQ:LIN", "Properties"]

and MarketCap was in the list.

Then, I ran a different command to fetch a few properties of the Linde data:

In[89]:= FinancialData["NASDAQ:LIN", {"MIC", "Exchange", "Symbol", 
  "Name", "MarketCap", "SICCode", "Sector", "Website"}]

Out[89]= {"XNAS", "Nasdaq", "NASDAQ:LIN", "Linde", 
 Quantity[2.1170168927215576`*^11, "USDollars"], "2810", "Chemicals", 

And now MarketCap is filled in.

I'm not going to be able to use the financial data features of Mathematica unless I can rely on them being complete and correct and available.

Am I doing it wrong?

POSTED BY: Gregor Purdy

The calls to EntityValue that feed FinancialData would look like this,

  Entity["Financial", "NASDAQ:QCOM"],
  Entity["Financial", "NASDAQ:LIN"],
  Entity["Financial", "NYSE:TMO"]},
 {EntityProperty["Financial", "Name"],
  EntityProperty["Financial", "MarketCap"]}]

Still coming up Missing. The direct call into a single Entity does work.

Entity["Financial", "NASDAQ:LIN"]["MarketCap"]

This example creates a series of direct calls.

 #@EntityProperty["Financial", "MarketCap"] &,
  Entity["Financial", "NASDAQ:QCOM"],
  Entity["Financial", "NASDAQ:LIN"],
  Entity["Financial", "NYSE:TMO"]
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