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Retrieving satellite data at certain time

Posted 7 months ago

Is there an existing method to get a satellite's altitude and azimuth at different times? For example, running the snippet below will retrieve the current altitude and azimuth; however, there does not appear to be an option to add a specific time to this method.

satellite = Entity["Satellite", "25544"];
altitude = SatelliteData[satellite, "Altitude"];
azimuth = SatelliteData[satellite, "Azimuth"];
{altitude, azimuth}

I have looked for a built-in method to propagate a TLE, and also tried using the Wolfram plugin for ChatGPT to find this - that led to a long sequence of ChatGPT attempts to add time as parameter to the SatelliteData function - but no luck so far.

POSTED BY: Tim Kennedy
Posted 7 months ago

I believe you want code like this:

satellite = Entity["Satellite", "25544"];
        "Altitude", {"Date" -> #}] & /@ {DateObject[{2014, 4, 9, 22, 

Exchanging Altitude for Azimuth when you would like, and the date object for ditto. I got this code from the Wolfram docs (, but I have tested it and it works fine, hopefully that fits what you're asking for? Best of luck!

POSTED BY: Theo Vine
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