There is a solution following the documents at:
In reference [1] there are two files: .nb and .zip. In the last there are the files:
tunnel.bat (window),
tunnel.sh (linux and mac)
In reference [2] there is one file: *.doc that is a how-to.
Works ! I did (linux as remote and mac OS X as local machines).
a) I generated a public and private ssh key on my local machine (mac) without password. I copied the public key to the remote machine.
b) I copied the file init.m to the directory /home/Account/.Mathematica/Kernel/ directory on the remote machine. Where Account is your account in remote machine.
c) I copied the file tunnel.sh to the directory /Users/Account/Library/Mathematica/FrontEnd/ on the local machine. Where Account is your account.
d) I set the remote kernel on the local machine:
Evaluation / Kernel Configuration Options / Add
Kernel name: RemoteKernel
Basic Options:
- check: Remote machine;
- Kernel program: the path of math in remote machine. (the mine is: Ex.: /home/opt/bin/math)
- Remote host: the address of remote machine (or ip): Ex.: remote.machine:port. where port is the ssh port to access the remote machine.
Advanced Options:
- Arguments to MLOpen:
-LinkMode Listen -LinkProtocol TCPIP -LinkOptions MLDontInteract -LinkHost
-Launch command:
"/Users/Account/Library/Mathematica/FrontEnd/tunnel.sh" user@remote.machine:port "/home/opt/bin/math" "linkname
ATTENTION: linkname
is between " " and " ` " that not appear above.
Replace above:
* Account by your directory in local machine;
* user by login in remote machine;
* remote.machine by ip address of remote machine;
* port by ssh port of remote machine.
- Open a new notebook. set the Default Kernel to remote machine. test the configuration from new notebook: $Version
Thank you
R Lisboa