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Underlined has no effect under Print in Plain font

Posted 11 years ago

Underlined has no effect under Print in Plain font


It's an unimportant bug because of the Bold workaround.

POSTED BY: Udo Krause
2 Replies

Is there some font difference between OSes, perhaps?

There are always tremendous differences between operating systems, you know - Wolfram Inc. has to compile the front end as well as the Mathematica kernel against the actual operating system:

  • Windows (all flavours) is rather a message broker than an operating system - despite they sucked in all the Digital Equipment operating system people after the decline of Digital Equipment; but this was the deciding move to make Windows NT a worldwide success, e.g. see DaveCutler
  • Linux and Mac OS are rather ordinary operating systems - kernel focussed - but had to fight to keep up with Microsoft Windows windows ...
POSTED BY: Udo Krause

It works fine for me on Mac.

Same as above, but the bold-only 0 is underlined.

Is there some font difference between OSes, perhaps? I attached my notebook if you want to see how the output cells display.

POSTED BY: Jesse Friedman
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