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GoogleGemini integration doesn't work in 14.1?


I just downloaded 14.1 for Mac, and while OpenAI / Anthropic integration with Chat notebooks works well, the Gemini integration doesn't.

I'm getting the following error message:

enter image description here

I think the API key is correct as I'm created a new one and I see that it received a list models call from Wolfram client (as there is no one else using the freshly generated key):

enter image description here

Does anyone else can replicate it? Any thoughts how I can debug?

POSTED BY: Victor Kryukov

I can replicate it and have reported it to the developers.

Google Gemini is supported when called from LLMSynthesize -- this works:

 LLMEvaluator -> <|"Model" -> {"GoogleGemini", "gemini-1.5-pro"}|>]
POSTED BY: David Reiss
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