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How can I reach my wolfram APIs from mobile app

Posted 11 years ago

Hi everybody, I am bulding a windows phone application. I build my APIs in Programming Cloud APIs are working fine but when I use them in my app before it is gave result , it is asking for Wolfram ID and password. How can I login to my ID in code side ? How can I run my APIs automatically ? Thanks

POSTED BY: Suat Karabacak
8 Replies

If you do embed authentication parameters in the code of your application, make sure it's fully compiled when deployed to prevent them from being extracted from the released code.

POSTED BY: Jesse Friedman

Presumably not, though I do not have much experience with cloud deployment. What sort of security problems are you concerned about? Of course it allows anyone to make use of your API. And what the API does depends on what you've put into its code.

I assume you've reviewed

Also this may be of interest:

POSTED BY: David Reiss

You need to set the option

Permissions -> "Public"

by default all cloud deployment has permissions set to Permissions->"Private"

POSTED BY: David Reiss

Yes, if you set

Permissions -> "Public"

then anyone with access to your API can use it.

POSTED BY: David Reiss
Posted 11 years ago

Is this create any security problems ?

POSTED BY: Suat Karabacak
Posted 11 years ago

I am concerned about may somebody access my APIs without my permissions. Topic link looking useful I'll try it thanks for you detailed answer

POSTED BY: Suat Karabacak
Posted 11 years ago

I am trying to find a way for use my APIs with an authentication mekansm in code side of application. I am thinking to try


if this information returns true from cloud I want to access my public APIs.

POSTED BY: Suat Karabacak

I have been running all my Instant API's through Azure API Management Portal. It works pretty awesome and allows auth keys, etc. It also gives me usage stats and other cool stuff.

If you get compromised you can easily change both your Instant API url or simply change your Azure keys.

POSTED BY: David Johnston
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