Hello, dear forum members,
I have a question that I've been struggling with for some time, and despite extensive searching, I haven't been able to find an answer or identify the error.
I’m working with the discrete Fourier transform to solve the one- and two-dimensional Schrödinger equation using the split-operator method. This involves splitting the Hamiltonian into kinetic and potential parts. As long as the time steps are sufficiently small, the split-operator method is generally a suitable approach for determining the discrete wave function. In the one-dimensional case, this method works very well compared to others (e.g., Crank-Nicolson, see attached file). However, I’m encountering issues in the two-dimensional case, where I'm not obtaining the expected approximate wave function. I believe the error lies in the transformation to momentum space or I may have overlooked something basic.
In my example, a free wave packet with momentum k in the y-direction splits into two parts after a few time steps, which doesn't seem correct.
Could someone please help me with this issue? The example is taken from: J. M. Feagin, Quantum Methods with Mathematica, New York, TELOS/Springer-Verlag, 1994.
Thank you in advance!
TDFourier2D[timesteps_, potheight_, ellip_] :=
Module[{NP, L, dx, dt, kx, ky, x0, y0, xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin, kxmax,
kymax, \[Rho], TimeEnd, psi, K3, nt},
NP = 100; (* netpoints *);
L = 1;
dx = L/(NP - 1); dt = 1/20 dx^2;
TimeEnd = timesteps;
\[Rho] = 0.16; (* initial width *)
x0 = 0.0 ; (* initial position *)
y0 = 0.0; (* initial position *)
kx = 0 ;(* wave number x *)
ky = 50; (* wave number y *)
xmax = 1; (* dimension of the box *)
xmin = -1; (* dimension of the box *)
ymax = 1; (* dimension of the box *)
ymin = -1; (* dimension of the box *)
kxmax = N[Pi/dx]; (* momentum lattice x-direction*);
kymax = N[Pi/dx];
psi3[0] =
Array[1/(\[Rho] Sqrt[Pi]) Exp[-I kx #1 - (#1 - x0)^2/(2 \[Rho]^2)]*
Exp[-I ky #2 - (#2 - y0)^2/(2 \[Rho]^2)] &, {NP,
NP}, {{xmin, xmax}, {ymin, ymax}}] // Quiet;
K3 = Array[
1/2 #1^2 + 1/2 #2^2 &, {NP,
NP}, {{-kxmax, kxmax}, {-kymax, kymax}}];
V3 = Array[
potheight/2 #1^2 + ellip*potheight/2 #2^2 &, {NP,
NP}, {{xmin, xmax}, {ymin, ymax}}];
UV[dt] = Exp[-I V3 dt];
UK[dt] = Exp[-I K3 dt];
U[dt_]@psi_ := UV[dt]*InverseFourier[UK[dt]*Fourier[psi]];
psi3[nt_, psi0_] := Nest[U[dt][#] &, psi0, nt];
Do[psi3[nt] = psi3[1, psi3[nt - 1]], {nt, 1, TimeEnd, 1}];
ellipticalform =
0.2; (*elliptical form from from > 0 and <= 1; 1=cylindrical*)
TimeEnd = 160; (* timesteps 10 to 150 *)
potheight = 0; (*potential height, free particle *)
(TDFourier2D[TimeEnd, potheight, ellipticalform]) // AbsoluteTiming
graphTable1 =
ListDensityPlot[Abs[psi3[i]], Axes -> True, PlotRange -> All,
ColorFunction -> "SunsetColors",
PerformanceGoal -> "Quality"], {"x", "y"}, {Left, Top},
RotateLabel -> True], {i, 1, TimeEnd, TimeEnd/4}], 2],
Frame -> All, ImageSize -> 400]