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Inverse Stieltjes transform in Wolfram Language?

Posted 8 days ago

Has someone implemented an inverse Stieltjes Transform in Mathematica? In the following example, I'm hoping to recover Beta PDF from its Stieltjes Transform in a robust way.

dist = BetaDistribution[1/2, 1];
stieltjes = Expectation[1/(s - y), y \[Distributed] dist]

Because Stieltjes transform is equivalent to Laplace Transform performed twice, this would give an alternative way of recovering density from MGF (Mathematica's InverseLaplaceTransform gets stuck inverting Beta mgf directly)

mgf = MomentGeneratingFunction[BetaDistribution[1/2, 1], t];
doubleLaplace = LaplaceTransform[mgf, t, s] // FullSimplify;
doubleLaplace == stieltjes (*True if s>1*)

Cross-posted on mathematica.SE

POSTED BY: Yaroslav Bulatov

Mariusz Iwaniuk was quite helpful in finding techniques that often succeed. I'm using this post as a discussion placeholder, aiming to post lessons as a compressed version here when it's ready

POSTED BY: Yaroslav Bulatov
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