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Request for development of statistical methods in Wolfram Language

Posted 1 day ago

I am currently using Mathematica for statistical analysis and would like to request the development of the following prediction functions for future versions. While some of these methods are already implemented, but it would be beneficial to refine and polish the existing implementation to improve their usefulness and funcionality. I appreciate your consideration of these suggestions and look forward to the potential future development of these functions in Mathematica.

  • Partial Least Squares (PLS) - Projection to Latent Structures
  • Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC)
  • Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
  • Correspondence Analysis (CA)
  • Decision Tree (CART Regression and CART Tree)
    • The Predict function includes decision tree features, but it currently lacks a way to graphically display the decision tree results. Adding visual representation of decision trees would make this feature more user-friendly and effective for practical applications.
  • Factor Analysis with Varimax Rotation
    • The SingularValueDecomposition command is currently used for
      Principal Component Analysis (PCA), but rotation methods,
      particularly varimax rotation, are not implemented.
  • Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NNMF) are already available in the Wolfram function repository and more used cases would be valuable
POSTED BY: Sangdon Lee
2 Replies
Posted 16 hours ago

I just find out the "Exploratory Factor Analysis" from the Wolfram Demonstrations Project, that provides the varimax rotation.

POSTED BY: Sangdon Lee

Hi Sangdon,
Thank you for the detailed and useful suggestions. We forwarded this post to our developers team.

POSTED BY: Ahmed Elbanna
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