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How to install AuthorTools?

Posted 7 days ago

In former Wolfram|One versions I had the palettes MakeProject and MakeContents within menu "Palettes". I assume that I installed it with “Install Palette...”.

Now I have version 14.1 and the author tools are no longer available.

How do they have to be installed?

I assume it is done by:


But this gives an error PacletInstall::notavail and returns $Failed.

POSTED BY: Werner Geiger
3 Replies

I actually don't use AuthorTools much but in this link: OpenPaletts it shows how to create an output cell that has links that launch each palette. I am not sure if there's a way to add those palettes to the palette menu so that they, when opened when AuthorTools` has not been loaded, will automatically load it.

POSTED BY: David Reiss

AuthorTools is still in 14.1 Just execute


and then execute


to see the list of available functions. All are documented in the Documentation Center

POSTED BY: David Reiss
Posted 5 hours ago

Thank you, David, I understand.

And how do I then install the MakeProject and MakeContents palettes in the “Palettes” menu?

POSTED BY: Werner Geiger
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