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Paclet for Paclet Repository without resource definition

Posted 4 days ago

I want to understand how I can create and publish my paclet using only Wolfram Engine without the Mathematica interface. I know I can do this using PacletCICD, but what if I can't open, create, and edit the .nb file? I won't be able to create a home page and documentation pages for individual functions. Is it then possible to publish the package to the Paclet Repository?

POSTED BY: Kirill Belov

To publish in the paclet repository you need to create a definition notebook at least once. You do not need to use it when you submit or update your paclet, but the ResourceDefinition.nb needs to exist in your paclet layout.

If the notebook exists, then the tools in PacletCICD allow programmatic publishing.

POSTED BY: Bob Sandheinrich
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