you download for windows but not for linux
OMG; to do you a favour it has been done for linux. Download started around 09:55 local time
during the download it looked like this
and finished around 11:15 local time: here it is
V:DownLoads>dir/O:D Ma*
31.08.2014 11:16 2'696'938'273
1 Datei(en), 2'696'938'273 Bytes
0 Verzeichnis(se), 544'976'584'704 Bytes frei
let's check the check sum
In[183]:= SetDirectory[ FileNameJoin[{"V:", "DownLoads"}]]
Out[183]= "V:DownLoads"
In[193]:= IntegerString[FileHash["", "MD5"], 16, 32]
Out[193]= "5c7712ee4eaccd607cea26a326db7c30"
Excuse me if I'm continuing to ask dull questions, but
- has the hard disc enough space free
- are there some quota posed on your account by the internet provider