A small edit of this question since I got no response at all. As you can see below Wolfram has loads of indicators that are build in the Wolfram language. However I can't find any function that actually returns the calculation..? On the web site http://www.wolfram.com/mathematica/new-in-8/financial-visualization/select-from-the-large-library-of-built-in-financia.html you see all this nice stuff but these are as far as I can find only options for charting. I would have guessed that the Function
Would do the trick but you can't pass it any data..
So With
TradingChart[{"MSFT", {{2009, 1, 1}, {2009, 3, 31}}}, {"MACD"}]
we get a very nice chart like
I would like to get the data that's calculated to plot the "MACD" or any other indicator lines. Is that possible??