Hi, I hope you are doing well.
I was trying to get a numerical integration from the following function
(Nu)^3 r/(Exp[h Nu/(K T2)] - 1)
where T is a function of r and has quite a complexity I received the error after running the following code
[Nu]1 = 0; [Nu]2 = 1; n = 50; [Nu] = Range[[Nu]1, [Nu]2, ([Nu]2 - [Nu]1)/(n - 1.)]; L1[[Nu], r] := ([Nu]e[[1, 1]])^3 r/(h [Nu]e[[1, 1]]/(K T1));
points = Map[{#, NIntegrate[L1[r, #], {r, 6.49, 71.39}]} &, [Nu]] ListLinePlot[points]...
the errors are as follows
NIntegrate::izero: Integral and error estimates are 0 on all integration subregions. Try increasing the value of the MinRecursion option. If value of integral may be 0, specify a finite value for the AccuracyGoal option.
Infinity::indet: Indeterminate expression 0. ComplexInfinity encountered.
NIntegrate::precw: The precision of the argument function (Indeterminate if Re[r]>0.*10^-20||r[NotElement][DoubleStruckCapitalR]) is less than WorkingPrecision (MachinePrecision).
NIntegrate::inumri: The integrand Indeterminate if Re[r]>0.*10^-20||r[NotElement][DoubleStruckCapitalR] has evaluated to Overflow, Indeterminate, or Infinity for all sampling points in the region with boundaries {{6.49,71.39}}.
Power::infy: Infinite expression 1/0. encountered.