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Errors in code for fission yield analysis across different patterns

Posted 1 month ago

I am working on a Mathematica program to analyze fission yield data of U-235. The program calculates results for 5 different patterns based on neutron incident energies. While the calculation works correctly for pattern = 3, it produces errors for other patterns such as pattern = 1.

Key errors include:

Union::normal: Nonatomic expression expected at position 1 in Union[vars12].
Part::take: Cannot take positions 6 through 42 in datax2.
FindMinimum::vloc: The variable Union[vars12] cannot be localized so that it can be assigned to numerical values.

The result Reff becomes undefined (Indeterminate) or infinite.
What might be causing these issues, and how can I modify the code to ensure correct calculations for all patterns?


When running the program on Mathematica version 11.3 or later, changes in the FindMinimum function result in errors even for the previously working pattern. Therefore, I kindly request that this issue be evaluated on Mathematica version 11.2.



I have resolved this issue. The cause was in the loop index configuration.

The following code: For[gxIndex = 1, gxIndex <= Length[gxValues], gxIndex++,

was replaced with: For[gxIndex = statnum, gxIndex <= endnum, gxIndex++,

By properly setting statnum and endnum, the loop now correctly reflects the calculation range, and all patterns work as expected. I apologize for any confusion caused and hope this solution helps others facing a similar issue.

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