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Can System Modeler simulate complex Chemical processes with multiple units?

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It has been few a years since I used Wolfram Mathematica. Here is a flow chart of a chemical process with fractional distillation and recycling.

Does System Modeler able to simulate a process with multiple process units where there is heat, material balance with chemical reactions and manipulate the heat and material input?

I will like to see a working sample.

I only see samples of single Stirr tank reactions, but nothing evoilving a recyclig process with dynamic processes.

POSTED BY: Jose Calderon

Yes, that is possible.

You can find some educational examples within chemical engineering here. One of the examples deals with a continuously stirred tank reactor.

You might also want to take a look at the Optimize Startup of Drum Boiler example.

Finally, the Fluid library has several examples that might be relevant for you.

POSTED BY: Jan Brugard
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