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Cannot deploy "Play" and "Sound" to the cloud

Hi, I am just learning to deploy something on wolfram cloud. I tried the following, but it gave an error:

CloudDeploy[Play[Sin[700 t + 25 t Sin[350 t]], {t, 0, 4}]]

Play::cloudf: ?Play is not currently supported in the Wolfram Cloud.

Similarly, the following also failed: CloudDeploy[Sound[{SoundNote["C"], SoundNote["G"]}]]

SoundNote::cloudf: ?SoundNote is not currently supported in the Wolfram Cloud. SoundNote::cloudf: ?SoundNote is not currently supported in the Wolfram Cloud. Sound::cloudf: ?Sound is not currently supported in the Wolfram Cloud.

I saw examples of complex manipulations being deployed, but fail to understand the problem with the above deployment.

Any suggestions?

Regards, Rangarajan

3 Replies

You would have to export as MIDI instead of WAV since they aren't compatible kinds of objects.

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke

Thanks. Will this work for SoundNote (export as MIDI)?

Regards, Rangarajan

Sound-related objects are not yet deployable to the cloud. Hopefully we can add this as a feature in a future version.

There are a couple of workarounds, depending on how you want the sound to be represented online. Try using ExportString to convert the sound to a String:

       Play[Sin[700 t + 25 t Sin[350 t]], {t, 0, 4}],

This creates a link that goes directly to a sound file. You can use Import on the resulting url:

Import[resultingURL, "WAV"]
POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
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