Thanks for the answer David.
To answer your question: I'm not using Mathematica symbols because they differ a little from the one LaTeX uses (I'm a bit on the OCD side regarding notation on scientific papers); so I want to have control on the types.
I've generated the attached file with the following command: Plot[x, {x, 1, 4}, PlotLabel -> Style["\[Gamma] \[CapitalGamma]", 14],
Frame -> True,
FrameTicks -> {{{0, {2, Style["\[Gamma] \[CapitalGamma]", 12]}},
None}, {{{2,
Text[Row[{Style["\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(t\), \(l\)]\)", Italic,
FontFamily -> "Times", 12],
Style["+", FontFamily -> "Times", 12],
Style["g", FontFamily -> "Symbol", 12]}]]}}, {{2,
Style["\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(t\), \(l\)]\)+\[Gamma]", 12]}}}}]
as you can see there is an issue with the "Symbol" character.
I'm working with Mathematica 9 (the pdf looks great) so it is not a huge problem for me, but I just thought some one should look into it.
Thanks again!