Consider travel times between three cities in Romania :
TravelTime[Entity["City", {"AlbaIulia", "Alba", "Romania"}],
Entity["City", {"Harman", "Brasov", "Romania"}]]
TravelTime[Entity["City", {"AlbaIulia", "Alba", "Romania"}],
Entity["City", {"Prejmer", "Brasov", "Romania"}]]
Three hours between "AlbaIulia" and "Harman", which seems correct, and a bit more between "AlbaIulia" and "Prejmer". But, for further computation, I need to convert these durations in minutes.
In[200]:= Quantity[
TravelTime[Entity["City", {"AlbaIulia", "Alba", "Romania"}],
Entity["City", {"Prejmer", "Brasov", "Romania"}]], "Minute"]
TravelTime[Entity["City", {"AlbaIulia", "Alba", "Romania"}],
Entity["City", {"Harman", "Brasov", "Romania"}]], "Minute"]
Out[200]= Quantity[188, ("Minutes")^2]
Out[201]= Quantity[1/20, ("Hours")^2]
There are two problems. First, why square minutes? In addition, while the first "distance" is correct (188 minutes), the second one is a nonsense : 1/20 and the unit is square hour instead of minute!
Is there a bug? Best regards,