I have a function of one argument that has some discontinuities, but when it's smooth, it is always decreasing to the "right", negative derivative. I can't seem to add a pic. For some reason FindMinimum (and NArgMin) give the right most constraint boundary as a solution. I tried explicitly telling it the method with simulated annealing and DifferentialEvolution, but no go. What else can I try? If you insist I can give you the code, but I am hoping not, because I will have to remove all the comments if I do.
I also tried RandomSearch. Why can't I upload a 7kB jpeg file, or a 22kB png file?
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Your function defaults to zero in 0.2 and 0.5. Try this:
f1[x_] := 1/x + Piecewise[{{100, 0 < x <= 0.1}, {40, 0.1 < x <= 0.2}, {80, 0.2 < x <= 0.3}, {70, 0.3 < x <= 0.4}, {90, 0.4 < x <= 0.5}}]; ArgMin[{f1[maxfacc], 0.5 > maxfacc > 0.01}, maxfacc]
Thanks Gianluca. Unfortunately, I can't control the actual function (the one I gave was an example of the general behavior) with inequalities, or default values in Piecewise. It's not defined using Piecewise. I suppose I should post the real function.
Your code does not run on my system. NArgMin complains that the function to minimize contains an undefined variable fac00.
I accidentally removed fac00 initialization when removing comments. This one should work, I quite the kernel and ran it to make sure.
I also have problems downloading the file
Gianluca, I am indebted to you. It worked! I specified the last argument of f1 to be Real. I have had this sort of problem before, with functions that can't be computed analytically, but still Mathematica tries and it leads to problems.
OK, but this is a problem with the forum. They are doing some revisions. I've also had problems posting images.
I don't know if the problem is with Minimize, because I don't call Minimize, I call NMInimize. I think the problem might be because NMimimize tries to take symbolic derivatives (even with methods such as simulated annealing or evolutionary algorithms). At least that was a previous problem I ran into a while ago.