Hello. I'm taking the enjoyable (but very high-level) Wolfram U course in Discrete Mathematics. That course gives the logical operator precedence as ()>\[Not]>\[And]>\[Or]>\[Implies]>\[DoubleLeftRightArrow]
but doesn't mention the NAND, NOR, or XOR operators in this context.
We are given the exercise to convert to CNF the expression
p \[Xor] q \[Nor] r \[Nand] r \[Or] p \[And] q \[Or s \[Nand] r
All we are expected to do is use BooleanConvert[]
to reach the answer
(! p || q || ! r || ! s) && (p || ! q || ! r || ! s)
What I want to do is to replicate the conversion manually. To do this I need to know the operator precedence, which I can't find in the WL documentation (not saying it isn't there) and which all my wider searches insist is language-specific. I think this is equivalent to asking whether, absent parentheses, BooleanConvert[]
proceeds left to right or follows some other rule.