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Colored variables in output

Posted 10 years ago

Hello, I just have a very, very large output of my nonlinear MIMO System which I want to transfer into state space model for my master thesis. Now I wonder if there is any possibility to colorize some variables for better viewable or an idea to split my xdot = f(x,u) to xdot = f(x) + B(x)*U to perform I/O feedback linearization.


POSTED BY: Kurt Alber
3 Replies
Posted 10 years ago

Thanks for your reply!

I already tried it with Collect[], unfortunatly I have two input variables U = {F, p} and I dont know how to collect only those results containing U. Collecting F(x) is no issue, I set F and p to zero, but I relly don't know how to collect my Matrix B -> xdot = F(x)+B(x)U I somehow need to erase the other terms for collecting B, its too large for copy, paste it... Btw my system has order 8.

For any advice I would be very grateful

POSTED BY: Kurt Alber

You could try to use Collect[] for sorting/splitting your equation

f[x] = a x1 + b x2 u + c u + x1 u
Collect[f[x], u]

I never heard about colorizing certain veriables in the output, sorry. You may use capital letters for marking them!?

POSTED BY: Fabian Wiek
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