I'm working through the new data structures in Mathematica 9 and didn't like the way the missing regions of a TemporalData plot were overlaid in the Documentation,
thirdTemporalData=TemporalData[missingData, Automatic, MissingDataMethod -> Automatic,
Show[Plot[thirdTemporalData["PathFunction"][x], {x, 0, 10}],
Table[Plot[thirdTemporalData["PathFunction"][x], {x, i, i + 1},
PlotStyle -> {Thick, Red}],{i, thirdTemporalData["MissingTimes"]}]]
I didn't like it because when I provided this to Manipulate and switch to the "highlighted" and none "highlighted" plot it changes the graphic size and PlotRange. Also it isn't as flexible as Id' like. So I tried the following, but it makes the plot look like I've drawn it with a pencil (http://imgur.com/gMRRfQ3 in case that image isn't embedded):
Plot[thirdTemporalData["PathFunction"][t], {t, 0, 10},
PlotRange -> All,ColorFunction->Function[{x, y}, If[3 <= x <= 4 || 7 <= x <= 8, Red,PlotStyle->Automatic]],ColorFunctionScaling->False]

Can anyone explain this and give fix? Thanks.