User Portlet
- Director of Engagement, Wolfram Research
- I run editorial for:
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- Artificial Intelligence:
- Wolfram Blog Author
- Wolfram Demonstrations Author
- Wolfram U Instructor:
- Ex- Academic Director at Wolfram Summer School
- Ex- Academic Director at Wolfram Summer School - ARMENIA
- Stack Exchange:
I get to work with almost every bit of technology that Wolfram Research develops and enjoy sharing my experience with community. I have been using Wolfram Language in research and education since my early university days. I got my PhD in theoretical physics from The Graduate Center of the City University of New York in the area of ultra-cold quantum gases and also worked in the fields of complex systems and nonlinear dynamics, collaborated in National Science Foundation-sponsored research and was a math and physics professor at the College of Staten Island. I love sports and travel - you can find some bits of my memories at my instagram. Feel free to connect on LinkedIn:
My Stack Exchange Record | Competitive Coding | Community Help
- Red pin puzzle: tracking patterns in motion with two different frequencies
- Sea worms: translating from P5.JS Processing to Wolfram using LLM AI-reasoner models
- Text as network: keywords clusters and semantic backbone in Donald Trump inaugural address 2025
- Infinities and zeros of functions on the complex plane with randomized structure
- Approximate gyroid visualization: minimal surface in motion with 3D waves and spherical constraints
- 2024's top 50 most popular Wikipedia articles
- Road network of shortest paths from multiple robots to a single target via Dijkstra’s algorithm
- Medusa gen-art: translating code between P5.JS Processing and Wolfram languages using ChatGPT o1
- 2500 double pendulums. Varying initial angles: domains of chaos and order.
- Jellyfish gen-art: translating code between Processing and Wolfram languages using ChatGPT
- Coronal mass ejection November 7, 2024 captured by Solar Dynamics Observatory AIA 171 satellite
- Depth dweller: translating art code between Processing and Wolfram languages using ChatGPT o1 and 4o
- Simulating random hand-twirling for 3D digital objects with spherical splines
- Enriching hand-made art computationally: diversity, speed, motion
- Topology breakfast in a fly's POV: cutting a bagel into linked halves
- Chromostereopsis art tribute to "Dancing with friends and enemies: boids' swarm intelligence"
- Duffing oscillator: multiple Poincaré sections in single run of ODE solver, chaos, strange attractor
- Deconstructing face color illusion by Akiyoshi Kitaoka: perceiving of same luminance differently
- Brain data crawler and its interactive 3D Model and tree structure
- Representing or encrypting text with Truchet tiling. Can we reverse or simplify the encryption?
- Where half of the world lives: 69 of top 100 cities in Valeriepieris circle
- 1 Bitcoin reaches 1kg Gold price while both hit record highs: rare, but happened before
- Imaging the Sun from SDO orbital telescope extreme ultraviolet data
- Fly on the Moon from Japan to India: what lies between Moon-Sniper and Chandrayaan-3 spacecrafts
- Algebraic "millipede" by artist math Chirag Dudhat: various implementations in Wolfram Language
- Inception of triple digits in powers of 3 or the smallest 3^n with triple digits
- One small polyhedron unfolds in a myriad of distinct nets: an art-video tribute
- Path of the total 2017 solar eclipse across US
- From Ukraine: photo and map of the solar eclipse Mar 20, 2015
- Wikipedia's most popular articles of 2023: Wikimedia Foundation announcement
- None of the countries bordering Poland before 1990 exist today: the fall of the Berlin Wall and USSR
- Cinematically moving a lens over images: magnifying glass effect in videos
- Lucky Palindromes: when do prime factors of palindromes make palindromes?
- Sartre vs Camus in 24 words: idea-clusters analysis
- Visualizing digits of Pi with colored walks
- Biden in 51 words: analytics of the speech "Soul of the Nation"
- [GiF] Twisting faces of geodesic dome
- [JAM] CellularAutomaton Code Jam Wolfram Summer School 2015
- Simple, fast compiled peak detection based on moving average
- XKCD in LUV and relationships: semantic proximity of similar colors
- Primality of factorial sum$\underset{k=1}{\overset{n}{\sum }}(-1)^{k+1} k!$
- Euler - Cornu like spirals ( spiros, clothoids ) of simple zeta zeros
- Earth's Impact Craters,10x Geo-Magnification, Largest % in North America
- How to build a mammuthus with your kids
- ⭐ [COVID] Computational Research HUB For Novel Coronavirus: Data, Code, Visualizations, Notebooks
- Happy palindrome day 9102019 . . . well, for most of the world :-)
- Zen Buddhism & Existentialism Visualized w/ Networks
- Longest Standing Ovations at Cannes Film Festival
- Building Better Mind Maps
- Statistical Distributions of Areas of Voronoi Cells
- Random Fonts & Similarities in Deformed Shapes
- The "Mathy" Arts of Coding Postcards
- Where is the oldest known (2400 years) intact shipwreck?
- [CALL] For Curious Cases of Words' Histories
- Automating search for neat Mandelbrot fractals with entropy
- [Reddit-DiBB0118] Scatter plot slices of temperature dynamics
- [Reddit-DiBB0118] Heatmap of inter- and intra- species comparison
- [CALL] Reddit DataViz Battle JAN2018: Visualize the Growth Rates of Algae
- On design of styles for small weighted graphs
- Simulating GeoNearest with GeoEntities & GeoDisk
- [CALL] Most common pitfalls for beginners of Wolfram Language
- Code puzzles: turning docs into educational games
- Anagram ramble in "log raw fun agleam"
- Languages as data: celebrating UNESCO International Mother Language Day
- Idea-nets and uniqueness of US inaugural addresses
- [SVG] Mining art in abstract mathematical spaces
- [GiF] Computational from-photo sketching and rotoscoping
- Pipeline Accidents: Hazardous Liquid, USA 2010 - 2016
- Measuring public interest in Syria and Ukraine from Wikipedia data
- Brain mass versus body mass for mammals
- Bob Dylan's Nobel Prize & Infinite Universe
- [GOLF] Code-Golfing websites: How old are you on another planet?
- Data-generated art: inkblot ghosts of altruism gene AVPR1a
- Correlation Scalogram with stock and climate examples
- [GiF] Dancing or juggling patterns of complex polynomial roots?
- [GiF] A possible model of an impossible cube of M.C. Escher
- Analytics of Republican Debate and network percolation
- Who Owns the West? Federal Lands 2014
- [GiF] Computational history: countries that are gone
- 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death
- [GIF] Drug overdose trends in USA counties 1999 - 2014
- Visibility Graphs: Dualism of Time Series and Networks