Dear Friends,
I am going to solve the following differential equation:
$y''[x] = {k^2}y[x]$
with boundary conditions is $y'[0] - hy[0] = 0$ and $\mathop {Lim}\limits_{x \to \infty } [\left| {y[x]} \right| < \infty $ I tried to solve it in Mathematica by
DSolve[{y''[x] == {k^2}y[x],y'[0] - hy[0] == 0,Limit[Abs[y[x]], x -> \[Infinity] < \[Infinity]]},y[x],x]
But I get the following error:
Equation or list of equations expected instead of Limit[Abs[y[x]],x->False] in the first argument.
I can use the boundary conditions contain "Limit" how to correct?
I would highly appreciate it if somebody can help me.
Best regards.