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How do I print a notebook in Wolfram Programming Cloud?

Posted 11 years ago

I can't see a Print option anywhere. And, if I deploy to interactive CDF and print that from Chrome, I get only a single page of the notebook and even that may be quite truncated.

So how do I print Wolfram Programming Cloud notebooks please?



POSTED BY: Kevin Lucas
5 Replies

Glad to share... I had this code to do my online nb printing (in PDF) :

SetOptions[SelectedNotebook[],PrintingStyleEnvironment → "Printout", ShowSyntaxStyles → True]
CloudExport[EvaluationNotebook[], "PDF", Permissions → "Public"]

And if I want to view all hidden cell before printing, I'd run this one too (then Select all cells [Ctrl+A] , then use menu to Expand all selected cells) :

SetOptions[EvaluationNotebook[], ShowCellBracket → True]

Hope it helps.

Ref : multiple web search & trials. /(^_^)

Posted 1 year ago

Thanks. I'll take a look at this. Kevin

POSTED BY: Kevin Lucas

I sent in a bug report.

POSTED BY: David Reiss
Posted 11 years ago


Thanks for looking at this and I can confirm that I can't open my .nb files in the CDF Player on Windows 7 Professional either. So it'd be great if there were a fix for that. Or if printing were available from the Programming Cloud.


POSTED BY: Kevin Lucas

I was going to suggest that you download the notebook and then open it up from the CDFPlayer and then print it from there (though there may be some Version 10 incompatibilities it will open up and show most of what you have created well). However, I tried this and when one attempts to open such a notebook in CDFPlayer (at least on OSX) nothing happens. This is certainly a bug and I will report it. If you do have Mathematica then it will open there and you can print it that way.

POSTED BY: David Reiss
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