myghxw[n_Integer] := Module[
{xis, wis, getw, x},
(* get xi *)
xis = NSolve[HermiteH[n, x] == 0];
xis = Table[xis[[i]][[1]][[2]], {i, 1, Length[xis]}];
(* get wi *)
getw[xi_] := 2^(n - 1)*n!*Sqrt[Pi]/(n^2*HermiteH[n - 1, xi]^2);
wis = getw[#] & /@ xis;
{xis, wis}
voles1={29, 15, 15, 16, 27};
kvoles1= 5;
(* m7 = Log Gamma Model *)
mylikLogGamma[data_, kdata_, f0_?NumericQ, alpha_?NumericQ, beta_?NumericQ] := Module[
{K, pj, fj, N0, loglik, above, below},
K = kdata;
(* Using Gauss Hermite *)
(* Evaluted at each xs *)
pj = Table[
, {i, 1, Length[xs]}
, {j, 0, K}
(* Put weights on *)
pj = ws.pj;
pj = Table[Binomial[K, j], {j, 0, K}]*pj;
fj = Prepend[PadRight[data,K], f0];
N0 = Sum[fj[[j]], {j, 1, Length[fj]}] ;
above = LogGamma[N0 + 1] ;
below = Sum[LogGamma[fj[[j]] + 1], {j, 1, Length[fj]}] ;
loglik = fj.Log[pj] ;
loglik = above - below + loglik;
(* Test for fitting*)
myLogGammaFit[data_, kdata_]:= Module[
testfun[f0_, alpha_, beta_]:= Module[
ans2 = mylikLogGamma[data,kdata, f0, alpha, beta];
If[ Im[ans2] !=0, ans2=-9999];
f0 >= 0
&& alpha>0
&& beta>0
{f0, alpha, beta},
Method -> {"RandomSearch", "SearchPoints" -> 200}
Spent two days, still can't figure our WHY????
It does not seem to be evaluating???