Not sure how network licenses work -- or where things are on windows, but I think you have to do is edit the mathpass file. This could be opened with any text editor, and has the license info. In my case, I sometime had to edit this after testing beta versions.
The file is in the Licensing folder/subdirectory inside
$BaseDirectory or $UserBaseDirectory. (Both these are Mathematica commands, and return a path to the appropriate directory on your system.)
Once you open the math's file, you may see a reference to mathematica 10. If you delete this line, Mathematica will not use the temporary license anymore. (Make a back up copy just in case, of course.)
There may be a FAQ on the Wolfram site that explains this in more detail, or does more handholding.
As I said, I had a similar type of problem, and editing this file did the trick.