Hey, I tried to use ParametricPlot with these to functions and manipulate the result:
f[a_, r_, t_, v_, w_] := v t (1 + (1/(1 - (r/a) Cos[w t])))
g[a_, r_, t_, v_, w_] := (r Sin[w t])/(1 - (r/a) Cos[w t])
Manipulate[ParametricPlot[{f[t], g[t]}, {t, 0, 10}], {r, 0, a - 1}, {a, 1, 20}, {v, 0, 20}, {w, 0, 20}]
The result doesnt show at all and manipulating a,r,v,w doesnt change anything. I know this is probably a simple mistake but iam very new to this program. Iam new in this community aswell and dont know if i post this at the right place.
But thanks in advance to everyone trying to help me.