Hello everyone,
I'd like to constrain a locator's movement to integer increments. I know how to do that by resetting its position using Dynamic but was wondering whether the Locator function has such an option like Slider2D does.
Good evening. You say you know how to do that by resetting its position using Dynamic to constrain a locator's movement to integer increments. Can you tell me how? if you is so kind. My idea is to include in Manipulate.
Thank in advance
A Manipulate example:
Manipulate[ p = Round[p]; Graphics[PlotRange -> 10, Axes -> True, PlotLabel -> p], {p, ContinuousAction -> False, Locator} ]
Thank you so much.
A special feature of Round is that the second argument can also be a list. This makes it easy to round a 2D-point with different granularity along the first and second dimensions. For example, Round[{3.1, 6.5}, {2, 1}] gives {4,6}.
Round[{3.1, 6.5}, {2, 1}]
I didn't know that. Excellent. Thanks!
I think you have to use the method relying on re-setting the position (using Round), as in the example under Applications in the documentation page of Locator.
Much obliged, Szabolcs.