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Posted 10 years ago

Hello there, am having issues in recording sound with my mathematica. I use the student version. Please can anyone be of assistance.

POSTED BY: benrus200
7 Replies

Works on my system (OS X, Yosemite). I have read that the function is a bit flakey on Windows or Linux. Perhaps someone with experience on those systems can help -- assuming that you are not on a Mac.

by the way, the student version is functionally the same as the 'pro' version.

Posted 10 years ago

This is the error message it give me when i finish recording "Import::nffil: File not found during Import. >>"

POSTED BY: benrus200

What is the operating system level?
What version of Mathematica (for example, 8.0.1? 10.0.0?) ?

POSTED BY: Bruce Miller
Posted 10 years ago

i use the AMD 4 and the mathematica 10.0 student edition

POSTED BY: benrus200

You need to provide more information. You can record sound, but not continuously, and the mechanism is platform dependent.


will open a dialog on your system. You record the audio, and assign it to a variable. You can then process it.

What you cannot do is continuously sample the microphone. If you can figure out how to do this, let all of us know.

Posted 10 years ago

I did that but it keeps showing me an error message. Am confused...

POSTED BY: benrus200
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