I am using ListPointPlot3D a lot recently. The arguments seem to have been given in the pattern:
Also, I use Interpolation[ ] to interpolate the data. And this command wants the arguments in the form:
I usually have my data in the form:
x={x1,x2,...}; (* 1D array with the x-values *)
y={y1,y2,...}; (* 1D array with the y-values *)
z={{z11,z12,...},{z21,z22,...},...}; (* 2D array with the z-values *)
And it is a bit cumbersome to having to rearrange the data every time, especially when entering the data for Interpolation.
Therefore my question: Is there a way to either give my data to ListPointPlot3D and Interpolation in this way, or alternatively, is there a simple way to rearrange my data in the way so I can feed it to ListPointPlot3D?
Cheers! Gernot