I have created some graphics for a scientific publication, but am having some trouble fine tuning them for the journal. More particularly I want to addtext to plots that have a rotated label at the left of the plot.
The Figure consists of a grid of 4 plots (2 rows of 2). I have proceeded as follows:
The first plot consists of a ListPlot of some data points, overlayed with a Plot of a fitted function. The fitted function is called inc7[parameters] evaluated using the best fit values of the parameters evaluated previously. I have chosen appropriate axes and fonts and there is a Label on the left that has been rotated to read vertically and that contains a superscript. Here is the command that created the first plot:
plot1 = Labeled[
inc7[x, \[Tau]1, T1, M, \[Phi]1] /. nlm5["BestFitParameters"], {x,
0, 85}, PlotRange -> All, ImageSize -> size,
TicksStyle -> Directive[Black, 16],
Ticks -> {Automatic, {{.00002, "2"}, {.00004, "4"}, {.00006,
"6"}, {.00008, "8"}, {.00010, "10"}, {.00012, "12"}, {.00014,
"14"}}}, AxesLabel -> {"Age", ""},
LabelStyle -> Directive[Black, 16]],
"Incidence x \!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(10\), \(5\)]\)", Left,
RotateLabel -> True, LabelStyle -> Directive[Black, 16]]
and the output produced is
So far so good! Now I want to display a grid of four such plots, so I try
Grid[{{plot1, plot2}, {plot3, plot4}}]
which produces the output
That also works OK. However I now want to put some l;abels on each of the four plots as well as some parameter values. I tried putting text on the first graphic (plot) using the drawing text tool. However this results in the left hand vertical label reverting to the generating expression. So I am unable to add text to the figure without destroying it. I have tried to insert the text on each of the 4 plots in the grid at an earlier stage, but without success. Is there a way to add text to plots at the same time as having a vertical label on the left?
Thanks for any assistance.
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