Dear Daniel,
Thanks for your response. Unfortunately I do not have the exact equation yet. I need to create that equation by myself by considering several parameters, i.e. 1 response variable with several explanatory variables.
So in my example of above equation, y is the response variable and I just put 1 explanatory variable i.e. x. However, later on I may have to modify it, so I am still doing trial and error to consider what parameters to be considered.
However, what I want to know is whether it is possible or not for solving an equation that contains Complex Infinity. The equation is a function of time, and at certain times, I have these Complex Infinity values. So if theoretically it is not possible for solving an equation contains Complex Infinity, then I will consider to change the explanatory variables themselves.
So please kindly let me know if you have further comments on this matter. Thanks for your attention.
Best Regards,