Here's an irregular array (a 3-row sample of many thousands of rows) ...
In[3268]:= {{{a, b}, c}, {{d, e}, f}, {{g, h}, i}}
Out[3268]= {{{a, b}, c}, {{d, e}, f}, {{g, h}, i}}
Here's part of what I want ...
In[3269]:= %[[All, 1, 2]]
Out[3269]= {b, e, h}
How do I get with either a single Part command or a sequence of them ... ?
Here's a simple work-around ...
In[4087]:= {{{a, b}, c}, {{d, e}, f}, {{g, h}, i}}
Out[4087]= {{{a, b}, c}, {{d, e}, f}, {{g, h}, i}}
In[4089]:= (Flatten /@ %)[[All, 2 ;; 3]]
Out[4089]= {{b, c}, {e, f}, {h, i}}
But it will still be nice to do this with a single invocation of Part ...
As this is in an inner portion of a computation I'm trying to avoid multiple steps and achieve a "functional" solution.
Thank you, -- Mark