I am trying to solve an equation that has a MarcumQ function in it. One of the MarcumQ properties is that
Limit[MarcumQ[1, 3, \[Mu]], \[Mu] -> Infinity] = 1
This is obvious when the function is plotted while varying its arguments
Plot[{MarcumQ[1, 1, \[Mu]], MarcumQ[1, 2, \[Mu]],
MarcumQ[1, 3, \[Mu]], MarcumQ[1, 4, \[Mu]],
MarcumQ[1, 5, \[Mu]]}, {\[Mu], 0, 8}]
However, the Mathematica Limit function seems to be unable to give an answer. I wonder, what the reason could be. Thanks in advance.